Monday, October 9, 2017

Spiritual Maintenance

Spiritual Maintenance

Admit To Ourselves
In order to be spiritually on track, in other words, in order to deny our flesh, we must admit our fleshly desires so that we may learn the first steps to tackling them. One of our issues with getting rid of the flesh is lack of focus, we focus so much on the cares of this world, social media, Television, sports, music, video games, racism, conspiracies, drugs, partying, working, money, success etc.
In order to battle this flesh, we must admit our issues...yes! it’s a must in this walk.. we have to be honest with ourselves, because we are not fooling anyone.. instead we are becoming the fool if we deny we have a spiritual problem which causes us to react negatively in our everyday physical lives.

Read Galations 5:19-21

19)”And the works of the flesh are well-known, which are these: adultery, whoring uncleanness, indecency,

20)”Idolatry, drug sorcery, hatred, quarrels, jealousies, fits of rage, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions

21)”envy, murders, drunkenness, wild parties, and the like-- of which I forewarn you, even as I also said before, that those who practice such as these shall NOT inherit the reign of Alahiym.

Have you read the works of the flesh yet? It’s also recommended, to read the precepts as well and look up each definition of these words to analyze them carefully to find out whether you have any of these characters or even if you have all of them.. We’ve got a long week ahead of us…The good thing is.. Just think of this being our next step to spiritual growth!

Now let’s get a sheet of paper and after reading and studying the works of the flesh, this is where the writing down comes in...Write down on the sheet of paper all the fleshly characters you feel still cling to you that you need to work on letting go.. This is a MUST..How else will we get it right.. right?!

Next, Pray and ask The Most High to guide you and give you will power to abstain from fleshly desires..because I find that when you lack spiritual strength, this is where backsliding takes place; you have no strength spiritually to keep you on the right path and stay on that path.. So Praying daily on these issues is a must as well..

Search And Destroy
Have you figured out your spiritual issue/issues? Now what? What should we do to tackle the task at hand? here’s our homework..

Look for scriptures pertaining to the issues that you are dealing with in your life and study them, even look up precepts for them so that you can get a better understanding on what it is you need to do and do this daily…

Learn to examine yourself before you examine may soon find out that you aren’t as spotless as you think…

We spend so much time pointing the fingers at one another but, we don’t do enough self evaluation.
And in turn of us not doing that, we end up being consumed with everyone else and everything else. Let us take a pause and do some self maintenance.

Galations 5:7
You were running well, who held you back from obeying the truth?”

Understanding That This Is An Every examination and you must pray for spiritual discernment to be able to differentiate what is right and wrong in your life and surroundings.. Keep in mind that YAH is with you every step of the way always and He will not leave you nor forsake you!

Let us work on fixing ourselves and in turn we can help fix each other.

This is the steps to spiritual maintenance..

Monday, August 7, 2017

The Word Of The Day "Love"

Good Morning Family, I wanted to share with you the word of the day from my broadcast, which is "Love".
 On my broadcast, I discussed the difference between the love of man and the love of the Father, YAH and how His love is unchanging and mans love is fickle, it always changes and how we think that we can put our love for YAH in the same category of love we have for one another, which is WRONG! 

The Love of the Father is pure, it's unchanging, and instead of dying down, it gets stronger and stronger. Especially when you prove your love to YAH by doing what He tells us to do  which is, Keep His Commandments and believing in His son Yahoshua the messiah.We must put YAH at the foundation of all our relationships in order for them to grow and not fade and I believe that is why so many friendships and marriages fail, because we are not putting the most High at the forefront.

Especially when you understand exactly how love should be operated in our lives according to :

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
4Love is patient, is kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, is not puffed up,
5does not behave indecently, does not seek its own, is not provoked, reckons not the evil,
6does not rejoice over the unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth,
7it covers all, believes all, expects all, endures all.
8Love never fails.
  So we must figure out what the foundation of our love for each other is , as it should be stronger in the Word of YAH to the point where it cannot fade. Love is patient, Love is kind, does not envy,etc, so we must establish where our love comes from.

I encourage you to find YAH and learn of His true love and once you find His true love, you'll begin to understand how to love eachother! 

Shalom family until next post! 

Monday, July 31, 2017

Garden Of Virtuous Women "Scripture Of The Day"

Shalom family,
 Welcome back to Garden Of Virtuous Women, Where it is my passion to keep you encouraged in the Word Of The Most High!

I know you all have been wondering where I have been and I have to admit, I got a little sidetracked with unimportant things instead of what is REALLY important.
I have been trying to get donations for my skincare business "PC" and have been trying to work around my children's schedule around the house, being a SAHM and all.

I wanted to get up here and give you some updates about the broadcast for morning prayer and to let you know, I will be continuing the live morning prayer. The most important part of the day is prayer, which should be the first thing you do when you rise..why? You were given breath of life,another chance to do right/good.

When will the Broadcast Take Place?
As of now, I do not have a set time for the live morning prayer, so the discussions, prayer sessions, will be random, So stay tuned by going here

I pry all is well with you family and that you remain encouraged in the Word Of YAH always!

Here is A scripture I went over earlier:
Psalms 37:7
Samek Turn away from evil, and do good; And dwell forever.

Also, Don't forget to follow my upcoming blog, by going here

Until next time family, 
Be Blessed

Garden Of Virtuous Women

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Are You Struggling In Life? Let YAH encourage you!

Are you at a moment in your life where you feel like nothing is going right?
Do you feel like your about to explode into tears?
Do you feel unsuccessful and burdensome?
Do you feel like your failing as a parent? or as a wife or husband maybe?

Well brothers and sisters, let me encourage you with a scripture today and also share with you my struggles.

I am a 27 year old woman, mother of three beautiful children, and a wife.. Is that hard? oh yes! I hae my moments when I feel like giving up and feeling like "what's the use in trying". Our lies bring about a spiral of good seasons and bad seasons in which we are meant to overcome, endure, and grow, but sometimes we get stuck at the beginning of the season where we are unprepared for what's next. Me and my family have been struggling off and on for some time now with bills bills bills and have even went without sometimes with no lights or water, even food; but what keeps me going is reminding myself that this is just for a moment and my life could be so much worse than what it seems.

Feeling like giving up?
Remember that The Father puts us through trials to see if we are going to endure or if we are willing to let this physical life we live break us and trust me, I have had my moments where i just cried and felt like a failure to my children and my husband and most of all, YAH. I am reminded that YAH is in control and of we trust in Him and remain consistent in prayer, study, and we put our faith to the test, He always come through with all our needs! HalleluYah! :)

Feeling like a failure as a mother or father?
Yea.. I have had alot of these days...Sighs,, When you just feel like your children are suffering because of you  and you feel like you don't deserve them? right on! That's me! I have had plenty of those breakdowns..But I remember that I am only one mom and I can only do so much and doing doing my best to be the best at it! you may feel like that too, but remember to get up early in the morning before your children get up and have a moment of  prayer and meditation alone and give yourself some time with YAH. That is what we all need..Put the Father in heaven FIRST! Don't beat your self up or start shaming yourself.. Give yourself some time to heal and relax a little.. your little ones may not understand but explain to them in a way that they will comprehend. Say things like"Mommy/Daddy needs some quiet time" and take that moment to pray, study, or meditate. Or if you are feeling good, let your little ones pray with you, which teaches them the importance or prayer.. 

Feeling unsuccessful in life?
Yes, Yes, and Yes!
You have failed! is what you say to yourself..But in all honesty, you have accomplished so much. know why? you chose to be set apart from the world
you chose YAH and His son Yahoshua in your heart
you have picked yourself back up after every scrape and burn
your a fighter and you don't believe in giving up, no matter how may tears you have shed ( remember, strong men cry too) 
You continue to look forward and not look back
you still continue to have your faith and not allow it to be shaken no matter what comes your way
See?! Look at you! Keep doing what you are doing! :)

I want to leave you with this scripture to encourage you in your struggles and I hope you remember that life can stink, but continue to do what you do no matter what or who stands in your way..continue to endure, because at the end of the day, you are your worst enemy, don't let your flesh tell you that you are a failure, because you are a winner in YAH's eyes when you continue to keep your faith in Him and continue to praise Him no matter the situation! 

Make sure you comment and subscribe to my blog and don't forget that I have live morning prayer weekly (Not every week I might add) but when I feel inspired to come on and broadcast, look out for me..

I love you all and I pray you endure in your struggles...

Scripture of The Day
James 1:2-3
"My brothers,count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
knowing that the proving of your belief works endurance."


Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Moment Of Prayer


Starting Monday, I would like to have seven days of prayer and would like you all to join in this challenge with me. The challenge is "A moment of prayer" challenge, where for seven days  you will pray alone to YAH; whether your praying for repentance, healing, faith,love,marital issues, etc. Let us have a moment of prayer together! 

Moment of prayer will be for seven days and if you have children, you can let them join you as well; as it will teach them how to pray and worship Father YAH.

If you want to, you can listen to praise and worship music or nature sounds to get your prayer session started. 

I pray you all who are able will join in on this beautiful experience and don't forget to be on the lookout for posts or broadcasts this week by visiting :

Shalom until next time! 😊❤️💕

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Scripture of The Day

Scripture Of The Day

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills, where does my help come from?
My help comes from YAH, Maker of the heavens and earth.
He does not allow your foot to be moved;
He who watches over you does not slumber.
See, He who is guarding Yisrael neither slumbers nor sleeps.
YAH is your guard;
YAH is your shade at your right hand.
The sun does not strike you by day, nor the moon by night.
YAH guards you from all evil;
He guards your being.
YAH guards your going out and your coming in
Now and forever.

Good morning family, I wanted to share with you this powerful scripture from psalm 121 and pray that it will uplift you and help you to remember where our help comes from in our time of trouble; when we are battling with things spiritually and physically, we must remember that He has always been our help, our power, our strength, and our Almighty Power!

When you are faced with hardships, marital issues, parenting stresses, spiritual attacks, etc; know that YAH ha s not left and never will he.. Remember, it is written " Abide in Me and I will abide in you" , so we must remind ourselves that this walk comes with temptation, but YAH is our help in the midst of our battle; He is our Guard.

Remember, it's always about endurance!

The ability to deal with pain or suffering that continues for a long time.

The quality of continuing for a long time.

The ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially: the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity.
abidance, ceaslessness,continuance,continuousness,durability,duration,continuation,persistance,subsistance

Endure, Endure, Endure!!

Shalom family until next time!
Don't forget to subscribe on spreaker for live morning prayer by visiting:


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Scripture Of The Day

Good morning family and thank you for joining GOVW.
It came to my mind, that I should start discussing about repentance, turning  to YAH, loving one another, and walking according to the fruits of the spirit. Why? Well, the times we live in, the world is getting darker and darker by the minute and it is my duty and others who walk in truth, to call others to repentance.

Wickedness is increasing in the earth and people continue to be apart of the world but, YAH tells us to not be apart of the world or its sins. The scriptures clearly state that we should be set apart; those that believe in the name of Yahoshua the messiah of course. 

I pray that those of us in this walk can be an encouragement to others to repent and turn back to the Father YAH before it is too late. Yahoshua said in matthew that we are the light of the world, so I encourage you all who are believers of Yah and Yahoshua to be a light to the nations and to our people, so that they may repent and turn to the Father.

Scripture Of The Day

Mark 6:4-12

And Yahoshua said to them, "A prophet is not unappreciated except in his own country, and among his own relatives, and in his own house."

And He was unable to do any miracle there, except that Hr laid His hands on a few sick ones and healed them.

And He marveled because of their unbelief. And He was going around among the villages, teaching.

And He called the twelve near, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over unclean spirits.

And He instructed them to take none at all for the journey except a staff- no bag,no bread, no copper in their money belts,

but to wear sandals, and not to wear two undergarments.

And He said to them, "whatever you enter into a house, stay there until you leave that place.

And any place that does not receive you or listen to you, when you leave there, shake off the dust under your feet as a witness against them. Truly, I say to you, it shall be more bearable for sedom and amorah in the day of judgement than for that city!"

And they went out and proclaimed that men should repent.

"Repent, For the kingdom of heaven draws near"
-Matthew 3:2

I pray you enjoy your day and continue to let the word of YAH uplift and encourage you!
